Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Seven deadly sins

Although the posters aren't necessarily for advertising, I think this example for context works well and would have good impact.

I've tried to show the posters in context but because they were specifically for a competition brief and no real practical reason (or advertising for example), I thought a sweet shop would be the most relevant location. This still does not work very well however I think the sweet packages themselves will look better.

I thought making the images smaller would have a more successful effect however the posters look far more interesting and successful with the enlarged images below.

I re-took photos for this brief because I wasn't happy with the quality of the other images. I've also transferred these onto the packaging and think the result has improved.

Below are the final set of posters submitted to the Seven deadly sins competition. I reversed out the logo so that the text is black with a white background, which works better than the original logo.

Initially my idea was to annotate the images so that each sweet had a speech bubble, reiterating what its representation of a sin was about. I realised however that the sweets on their own were enough for the viewer to make the connection if the list of sins were included in the poster.

For this brief i have chosen to use pix 'n mix sweets as a medium to represent each sin. Eating sweets (and junk food) is considered a health 'sin' these days, therefore I thought it would be a light hearted, relevant way to use the sweets to illustrate the meaning of each sin. These are some photographs I've taken as a starting point.

After taking the first set of photos (above) I realised that some images needed to be taken again to represent the sin better.

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