Monday 12 April 2010


Presentation boards

Below is the final image... In order to improve perspective further I have made the billboard image overlap the surroundings so that the pictures don't fit exactly. I have also made the street lights appear to be behind the billboard and placed a pole for the billboard to stand on. Placing a person in front of the camera has also improved the image to show size difference and distance.

I have re- taken photos from a different location of the bridge as to include foreground for better perspective. This has made the billboard look more realistic. I also chose to photograph on an overcast day to ensure a greater contrast between the billboard and the surroundings.

My initial idea was to create the billboard design so that it would have to be placed in the relevant location. I then experimented with using this idea as a whole to go on any billboard, however I don't think it works because it is not as clear and does not have the novelty element of the original.

I've taken some more photos and decided to rather have the train moving towards the billboard before joining as it is clearer for the viewer to understand the concept.

In order to make the billboard image stand out, I've changed the sky in the background to include clouds for more contrast. I wanted to make the image work so that there is an 'overlap' between the billboard and the train crossing (by not joining the two this may create a more interesting outcome) however none of the photos allow for this change. I intend to place this image on a actual billboard setting and hopefully the effect will be more effective in context.

After taking a collection of photos of billboards I came across a setting in which I thought would be perfect however with a slightly different concept than planned. I came across a trainline bridge in which a billboard stood in front, and decided it would be a nice idea for the billboard to contain an image of a train crossing the bridge. This would then be joint momentarily when a train crosses the bridge in the background. Unfortunately because I had to photograph the view from behind the billboard in order to achieve this, I had to manipulate the overall image so that the billboard sits in front. I would really be happy with my concept if the image worked well however I'm concerned it looks like it has been 'photoshoped'.

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